Hi, My Name is Dewey

Looking back, I truly think the recession in 2009 was one of the best events to have happened to me. Losing a dream job after 18 years was like going through a divorce - like all endings in any long-term relationship, it leaves emotional scars in all of us. Through the pain and suffering arises a new consciousness. From my anguish came the birth of Kekoa Collective. I refer to Kekoa as my midlife crisis or my new awakened life.
I truly feel our species is going through a new awakening period. Our collective consciousness is changing and so are our values and beliefs. Old dreams are being replaced with the new and the new generations are not following the "old ways" footsteps.
This new awakening movement is transforming human experiences. Yoga and jiu jitsu have exploded across the country. For those who practice these disciplines, you know what I mean. For those who haven't, please take the first step towards this unknown. I promise it will move you in some form or another. These practices have moved us from the external world of Things and Experiences, to an interior world of Intentions and Emotions. This whole new "soul movement" is the emotional awareness journey that is being spread across humanity in our society.
The "aha" moment came on Christmas Eve. In some weird, divine way, everything is connected, and I was meant to do this at this phase of my life. Everyone I have met at Kekoa was no accident. For the last two weeks, I have laughed and trained with strangers from all over the world. Some even cried and so did I. For the first time, I truly feel I have let go of the doctrine from the ego of “what’s in it for me, what can I get out of this?” and truly live and work with my true mantra “how can I serve you?”
I guess Kekoa Collective is my medium towards self-actualization. SHE is a vehicle to reach as many as possible with the message of hope, kindness, joy and most of all LOVE. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much for your belief in us. Your graciousness will never be forgotten
Be the force of love whenever you can - everything else is inferior to this divine power that we are given from birth.
I want to remind you that if we at Kekoa Collective can help you in any way towards "living your best life," please reach out and count on us.
Happy New Year, and may 2018 bring you nothing but love, serenity and laughter!
“I slept and dreamt that life was joy
I awoke and saw that life was service
I acted and behold, service was joy” - Rabindranath Tagore